by Gary Schwind of AntiMusic.com
One thing is immediately noticeable about Gina Catalino. She just lets her voice be. In an era when female vocalists force it and go up and down through their range for no real reason, it's refreshing to hear someone that sings. Frankly, it's not only refreshing, it's good. Gina Catalino has a smooth even voice that puts me in mind of someone like Carole King.
The album begins with a kind of jazzy, funky tune called "11:32 PM." This is a real good tune about missing someone shortly before midnight and a strong way to start the album. This song includes the lyrics "I'm wishing away Los Angeles." I'm sure she's not alone there.
"Blue Eyes" is a soulful song that reminds me of both Norah Jones and Jewel. That is to say…Jewel when she sings in her normal voice, not when she's doing her best Muppet voice. "Blue Eyes" is probably my favorite track on this album simply because it contains the kind of soul you just don't get very frequently. This is one you might want to put on repeat.
Gina Catalino is a talented singer/songwriter. One thing I can say with a great degree of certainty is that she feels what she sings. She is not just going through the motions or making an album because she can. It's easy to tell that every note and every word means something to her. Not only that, but she moves easily between folk ("Move Me"), jazz ("The Walk," "Foolish"), and soul ("Here & There"), performing with equal aplomb no matter what style she chooses. This album does have one flaw…it's too short. At less than thirty-five minutes, she definitely leaves you wanting more (much more).
Gina Catalino - Swept in Sound
Rating: 4 STARS